Rūta Petrauskaitė is a professor of linguistics at the Department of Lithuanian Language, Vytautas Magnus University, and also a vice-chair of the Research Council of Lithuania as well as the Chair of the Committee of the Social Sciences and Humanities. She is a current board member of two international (International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Archyvum Lithuanicum) and two national journals of the humanities. Her research interests comprise a range of topics from lexical semantics to text and discourse analyses. She published more than 80 papers on the methodologies of corpus linguistics, terminology, phraseology, cognitive methaphor, discourse and genre analysis, information retrieval and ontology building. She has two monographs (on Lithuanian collocations and press genres) and over 50 popular papers on linguistic issues.

Petrauskaitė teaches master level courses on semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, discourse and genre analyses, has seminars on academic discourse for doctoral students. At present she supervises four doctoral students, six of her previous students defended their dissertations. On a temporal contract she taught at the universities of Stockholm and Illinois. As a teacher of Erasmus exchange programme she regularly visits universities of Muenster and Antwerp.

In the last decade she has been involved in six EU projects as well as in the activities of the board of NGSLT (Nordic Graduate School of Language Technologies). At present she is a member of 7FP Cooperation programme committee for the Social Sciences and Humanities, national representative at the European Research Infrustructure Consortium CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technologies Infrastructure), ERA NET PLUS network board of HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) and working group on infrastructures in ScienceEurope. Previously she participated in a number of activities as a member of the Standing Committee of Humanities at ESF (European Science Foundation), as well as in ERAC GPC (High Level Group for Joint Programming, European Research Area Committee).

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Phone +370 37 327841, +370 37 327835
E-mail r.marcinkeviciene@hmf.vdu.lt
Website www.vdu.lt
Address Gedimino pr. 3, LT-01103 Vilnius
Phone +370 5 2124933
E-mail r.marcinkeviciene@hmf.vdu.lt
Website www.lmt.lt